Benito Müller
Publications List
08 February 2025Benito Müller
Benito Müller is Managing Director of Oxford Climate Policy, and Director of the European Capacity Building Initiative (ecbi). At Oxford University he is a Convener International Climate Policy Research at the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), Visiting Professor at the Social Sciences Division.
Müller received a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Oxford and was formerly a Research Fellow at Wolfson College and a Lecturer in Logic at the Queen's College, Oxford. He has a Diploma in Mathematics from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich, Switzerland.
See also Professor Müller's pages at Wolfson College; Faculty of Philosophy; and Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.
I. Policy Briefs and Notes
- [155] Müller B., with C. Streck, and O. F. Sarr, Shoring up the Social Integrity of the Voluntary Carbon Market Operationalizing the VCM International Share of Proceeds (iSOP), OCP Discussion Note May 2024.
- [154] Müller B. and Bakhtaoui; “L&D Pilot Funding Arrangements: The Need to Pilot Innovative Funding Sources and Response Tools” Policy Brief, Oxford OCP/ecbi, November 2023.
- [153] Streck Ch. and B. Müller, “VCM- SOPA: How to Operationalise a Share of Proceeds for Adaptation for the Voluntary Carbon Market” Policy Brief, Oxford OCP/ecbi, October 2023.
- [152] Robinson D, with B. Müller, “Sustainable Aviation Fuels - The Way Forward: From Biological to Synthetic Fuels”, OCP Discussion Note August 2023.
- [151] Müller B., “OCP/ecbi Submission to COP 28 and CMA 5: Views on topics for 2nd Glasgow Dialogue and workshops referred to in paragraph 7(a) of Decision -/CP.27 -/CMA.4”, Oxford OCP/ecbi January 2023.
- [150] Michaelowa A. et al., with B. Müller, “Pocket Guide to Art. 6 under the Paris Agreement”, Oxford OCP/ecbi October 2022.
- [149] Ngwadla, X., with B. Müller, The Global Goal on Adaptation, OCP Discussion Note October 2022
- [148] B. Müller, VCM-SOPA A Share Of Proceeds for Adaptation (SOPA) in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), OCP Discussion Note March 2022.
- [147] B. Müller, Views on the New Collective Quantified Goal as specified in Paras. 15 and 16 of Decision 9/CMA.3, OCP/ecbi Submission to CMA 4, 28 January 2022.
- [146] Espelage, A., A. Michaelowa, and B. Müller, with K. Kumarsingh, '‘Share of Proceeds’: An Innovative Source of Multilateral Climate Finance', Policy Brief, Oxford OCP/ecbi, November 2021.
- [145] Müller, B., ‘Share of Proceeds’: Beyond CDM and Art. 6, Discussion Note, Oxford OCP/ecbi, September 2021.
- [144] Müller, B., Common Time Frames: Reducing the Options for a Decision in Glasgow, Oxford OCP/ecbi, July 2021.
- [143] Murray, L. and B. Müller with L. Gomez-Echeverri and S. De Coninck, Enhanced Direct Access: Brief History (2009-2021), Oxford ecbi, July 2021.
- [142] Müller, B., Global Climate Solidarity: Monetizing Global Solidarity allowances for the benefit of the globally poor and vulnerable, Oxford OCP/ecbi, May 2021
- [141] Müller, B., J. Allan, M. Roesti and L. Gomez-Echeverri, with M. Karlsen, Quo vadis COP? Future Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings under the UNFCCC - Settled and Fit for Purpose, Oxford ecbi, March 2021.
- [140] Müller, B., A. Michaelowa and A. K. Weber with D. Black-Layne, R. O. Halkyer and S. Kumar, International bulk purchasing as an NMA: Using Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement to reduce the cost of climate technology, Oxford ecbi, February 2021.
- [139] Michaelowa, A., A. Espelage, B. Müller, 2020 UPDATE Negotiating cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, Oxford ecbi, December 2020.
- [138] Kumarsingh, K., with G. Fremout, L. J. Arciniegas, P. Betts, J. Cordano, C. Fuller, V. Gundu, G. Jember, B. Müller, C. Nelson, X. Ngwalda, F. Perrez and T. Wangmo, Complete the Ambition Mechanism Why an Ambition Cycle under the Paris Agreement matters, and why it matters now, Oxford ecbi InBrief, July 2020.
- [137] Sharma, A., A. Michaelowa, A. Espelage, J. Allan and B. Müller, COP25 Key Outcomes, Oxford ecbi, January 2020.
- [136] Michaelowa, A., A. Espelage and B. Müller, It's the politics, stupid! What makes it so difficult to reach a deal on market-based cooperation under the Paris Agreement?, Oxford ecbi Note, December 2019.
- [135] Michaelowa, A., A. Espelage and B. Müller, Negotiating cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, Oxford ecbi, November 2019.
- [134] Müller, B., A. Sharma, Y. Dagnet, and N. Cogswell, The Dynamic Contribution Cycle: Enhancing Ambition on the Basis of Equity, Oxford, OCP & WRI Brief, September 2019
- [133] Sharma, A, Ch. Shwarte, P. Bird, A. Michaelowa, and B. Müller, COP24 Key Outcomes, Oxford ecbi, January 2019
- [132] Müller, B., 'Common Time Frames’: What & Why? A Contribution to the Debate on Article 4.10 of the Paris Agreement, Oxford, OCP/ecbi, Second Updated Edition, 2018
- [131] Müller, B., Common Time Frames: Creating Space for Ambition in the Paris Agreement Rulebook, Oxford ecbi, October 2018
- [130] Müller, B., A Western Climate Fund: Innovative Sub-national Contributions to Multilateral Climate Finance: Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2018
- [129] Müller, B., Article 6: Market Approaches Under the Paris Agreement, Oxford ecbi, 2018
- [128] Müller, B. Common Time Frames: What & Why? A Contribution to the Debate on Article 4.10 of the Paris Agreement, Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2018
- [127] Müller, B., The Jerry Brown International Climate Solidarity Fund: Taking Sub-National Climate Finance Leadership to the Next Level, Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2018
- [126] Müller, B., The Time is Ripe! Support from US Sub-nationals for the Least Developed Countries Fund of the Paris Agreement, Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2017
- [125] Müller, B., Mobilizing Alternative & Innovative Finance: Review of the Functions of the Standing Committee on Finance, Submission to the SCF, Oxford OCP 2017
- [124] Kjellen, B., and B. Müller, "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more": A call for Europe to demonstrate renewed leadership in the international climate change regime; Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2017
- [123] Müller, B., Oxford Crowdfunding for Adaptation Initiative: Tapping into Socially Responsible Corporate Air Travel, Oxford OCP/ecbi 2017
- [122] Müller, B., Time to Decide!: The Adaptation Fund After Marrakech, Oxford OCP/ecbi 2017
- [121] Müller, B., LDCF Business Model: Q&A; Oxford/ecbi 2016
- [120] Müller, B., and X. Ngwalda, The Paris Ambition Mechanism: Review and Communication Cycles - Options Note Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2016
- [119] Müller, B., with A. Kornilova, R. Tewari, and C. Warnecke, Two Unconventional Options to Enhance Multilateral Climate Finance: Shares of Proceeds and Crowdfunding, Oxford ecbi 2016
- [118] Müller, B., From Contribution Framework to Ambition Mechanism: How to enhance mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement, Oxford ecbi 2016
- [117] Müller, B., with D. Black-Lane, T. Mpanu-Mpanu, C. Sylla, and A. Wallberg, Devolved Programmatic Access: Joint Submission to the Green Climate Fund Board, Oxford, OCP/ecbi, 2016
- [116] Müller, B., GCF Accreditations: The Need for Strategic Caps and Balances - Submission to the GCF Board with regards to the Strategy of Accreditation Oxford, OCP/ecbi, 2016
- [115] Müller, B., with H. van Asselt, C. Carreiras, and K. Guilanpour, A Dynamic Ambition Mechanism for the Paris Agreement, Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2016
- [114] Sharma, A., B. Müller, and P. Roy, Consolidation and devolution of national climate finance: The Case of India, Oxford, ecbi, 2015
- [113] Müller, B., and X. Ngwadla, A Paris Replenishment Cycle for Contributions to the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism, Oxford, ecbi/OCP, 2015
- [112] Müller, B., Finance for the Paris Climate Compact: The role earmarked (sub-)national contributions, Climate Strategies Policy Brief No 1, June 2015
- [111] Müller, B., The Paris Predictability Problem: What to do about climate finance for the 2020 climate agreement?, Oxford, ecbi/OCP, 2015
- [110] Müller, B., Institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention, Oxford, ecbi/OCP, 2015
- [109] Müller, B., What's in a name? The naming of GCF accreditation categories, Oxford, ecbi/OCP, 2015
- [108] Müller, B., and L. Schalatek, The Adaptation Fund at a Crossroads, Oxford, ecbi/Heinrich Böll Stiftung (2015)
- [107] Müller, B., Engaging Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in developing countries: Enhanced Direct Access and the GCF Private Sector Facility, Oxford, ecbi/OCP, 2015
- [106] Murray, L., B. Müller, and L. Gomez-Echeverri, Enhanced Direct Access: A Brief History (2009-15), Oxford ecbi, 2015
- [105] Müller, B., and X. Ngwadla, Procedural Arrangements for the Paris Replenishment Cycle: Oxford OCP/ecbi 2015
- [104] Müller, B., The Paris Replenishment Cycle: Summary Brief, Oxford OCP/ecbi 2015
- [103] Müller, B., Strategic Divisions of Labour: Submission to the Green Climate Fund Board, OCP/ecbi Submission to the Green Climate Fund Board, Oxford OCP/ecbi, 2015
- [102] Müller, B., and W. Pizer, Devolved Access Modalities: Lessons for the Green Climate Fund from existing practice, Oxford, ecbi, 2014.
- [101] Müller, B., and L. Mahadeva, The Oxford Approach: Operationalizing the UNFCCC Principle of 'Respective Capabilities', 2nd edn, Oxford, ecbi, 2014.
- [100] Müller, B., Performance-based formulaic resource allocation - a cautionary tale: Some lessons for the Green Climate Fund from multilateral funding, Oxford, OIES, 2014
- [99] Müller, B., X. Ngwalda, and J. Miguez, A Dynamic Contribution Cycle: Sequencing Contributions in the 2015 Paris Agreement, Oxford, ecbi/OCP, 2014
- [98] Müller, B., Country (Adaptation) Funding Needs in the GCF: Operationalising the 'country needs' investment criterion: Submission to the GCF Investment Committee, OXford, ecbi/OCP, 2014
- [97] Müller, B., Capacity Building is not only 'Training': Lessons learned on the provision of advice as 'capacity building' for climate change negotiators, Oxford, OCP/ecbi/OIES, 2014
- [96] Müller, B., South-South Solidarity in Climate Finance: A GCF operated Southern Solidarity Fund, Oxford, OCP/ecbi/OIES, 2014.
- [95] Müller, B., What is EDA? A Rough Guide to Enhanced Direct Access, Oxford, OCP/ecbi/OIES, 2014.
- [94] Müller, B., Concentration of GCF resources: what is at issue?, Oxford, OCP/ecbi/OIES, 2014.
- [93] Müller, B., Comments regarding 'Policies and Procedures for the Initial Allocation of Fund Resources', Oxford, OCP/ecbi/OIES, 2014.
- [92] Müller, B., Enhancing Direct Access and Country Ownership: Status quo and the way forward, Oxford, OCP/ecbi/OIES, 2014
- [91] Müller, B., S. Fankhauser, and M. Forstater, Quantity Performance Payment by Results: Operationalizing enhanced direct access for mitigation at the Green Climate Fund, Oxford, OIES, 2013
- [90] Müller, B., and L. Mahadeva, The Oxford Approach: Operationalizing ‘Respective Capabilities' - Summary for policy makers, Oxford, ecbi, 2013.
- [89] Müller, B., and L. Mahadeva, The Oxford Approach: Operationalizing the UNFCCC Principle of 'Respective Capabilities', Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [88] Müller, B., GCF Secretariat Informal Consultative Talk on Enhanced Direct Access: Afterthoughts, Oxford, OCP/OIES, 2013.
- [87] Müller, B., GCF Secretariat Informal Consultative Talk on Enhanced Direct Access: Preliminary Thoughts, Oxford, OCP/OIES, 2013.
- [86] Müller, B., On Resource Allocation Systems: Comments in response to GCF/B.05/05, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [85] Müller, B., The Allocation of (Adaptation) Resources: Lessons from fiscal transfer mechanisms, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [84] Müller, B., Metaphysics or Pragmatics? How to proceed with the Arrangements between the COP and the GCF? Submission to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [83] Müller, B., On 'Being Accountable': What does it mean for an Operating Entity of the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism to be accountable to the COP, and how does this relate to operationalizing Art. 11.3 (b)? Submission to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [82] Müller, B., 'Enhanced (Direct) Access' Through (National) Funding Entities' Etymology and Examples: Information Note on the Green Climate Fund Business Model Framework, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [81] Müller, B., Preferred Enhanced Access: Submission to the GCF on the Business Model Framework, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [80] Müller, B., A Delhi Vision: for the Green Climate Fund Business Model Framework - Some Thoughts on Access and Disbursement, Oxford, OIES, 2013.
- [79] Ghosh, A., B. Müller, W. Pizer, and G. Wagner, Mobilizing the Private Sector: Quantity-Performance Instruments for Public Climate Funds, Oxford, OIES; Durham NC, USA: Duke University; Environmental Defense Fund, 2012.
- [78] Müller, B., and A. Sharma, Observers and the Green Climate Fund: OIES Submission to the GCF, Oxford, OIES, 2012
- [77] Müller, B., From Confrontation to Collaboration? CBDR and the EU ETS aviation dispute with developing countries, Oxford, OIES, 2012.
- [76] Müller, B., UNFCCC - The Future of the Process: Remedial Action on Process Ownership and Political Guidance Climate Strategies, London, Climate Strategies, 2011.
- [75] Müller, B., UNFCC - The Future of the Process: Longer-term Enhancements: Permanence and Leadership (t.b.c.)
- [74] Khan, F.I., and B. Müller, What Functions? What Form? Operationalizing the Standing Committee, Oxford, ecbi, 2011.
- [73] Müller, B., 'Plan C': the role of the Kyoto Protocol in a Legally Binding Outcome, Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [72] Müller, B., Enhanced Direct Access: Submission to the Transitional Committee on the issue of Thematic Funding Windows (Workstreams II & III), Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [71] Müller, B., Dissecting the Green Climate Fund: Submission to the Transitional Committee on the issue of Thematic Funding Windows (Workstreams II & III), Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [70] Müller, B., Some further thoughts on the draft TC work plans, Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [69] Müller, B., and A. Sharma, Submission of views regarding the questions for the first technical workshop: of the Transitional Committee suggested by the co-facilitators of work stream I. Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [68] Müller, B., Time to Roll Up the Sleeves - Even Higher! Longer-term climate finance after Cancun, OIES/Climate Strategies, 2011.
- [67] Harmeling, S., B. Müller, and E. Seck, Some lessons learned from the Adaptation Fund for the design of the Green Climate Fund: Submission to the Transitional Committee, Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [66] Harmeling, S., and B. Müller, What to do now? Elements for organizing the Transitional Committee to establish the Green Climate Fund, based on lessons learned from the Global Fund experience, Oxford, OIES, 2011.
- [65] Müller, B., UN Climate Finance Negotiations: What after Tianjin, and how?, Brussels, European Climate Platform, 2010.
- [64] Müller, B., Climate Finance after Tianjin: How to reach a deal at Cancun?, Oxford, ecbi, 2010.
- [63] Ciplet, D., B. Müller, and J. Timmons Roberts, How many people does it take... to administer long-term climate finance?, Oxford, ecbi, 2010.
- [62] Müller, B., Reforming the Financial Mechanism: Some thoughts put together by the 2010 ecbi Fellowship, Oxford, ecbi, 2010.
- [61] Njie, M., with B. Müller, Climate Financing for Developing Countries: A post-Copenhagen synopsis, Oxford, ecbi, 2010.
- [60] Müller, B., D. Robinson, and Z. Xiliang, with C. Ellermann, H., Molin, D., Torney, and Z., Jian, Addressing Large Developing Country Emissions: The Case for Strategic Sino-European Collaboration under Joint Commitments, Oxford, OIES, 2010.
- [59] Müller, B., W. Geldhof, and T. Ruys, Unilateral Declarations: The Missing Legal Link in the Bali Action Plan, Oxford, ecbi, 2010.
- [58] Grubb, M., T. Brewer, B. Müller, J. Drexhage, K. Hamilton, T. Sugiyama, and T. Aiba, with A. Sharma, A. Michaelowa, C. Azar, and J. Karas, A Strategic Assessment of the Kyoto-Marrakech System: Synthesis Report, London, Royal Institute for International Affairs, 2010.
- [57] Müller, B., with A. Sharma, L. Gomez-Echeverri, D. P. Rook, and A. Chandani, The Reformed Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC: Part II The Question of Oversight - Post Copenhagen Synthesis Report, Oxford, OIES, 2010.
- [56] Müller, B., The Reformed Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC: Post Copenhagen Architecture and Governance, Oxford, ecbi, 2010.
- [55] Müller, B., Copenhagen 2009: Failure or final wake-up call for our leaders?, Oxford, OIES, 2010.
- [54] Müller, B., and A. Chandani, What Expertise? On who should be drafting the framework documents for a new Global Climate Fund, Oxford OIES, 2010.
- [53] Müller, B., Why Reinvent the Wheel? On establishing new funds while guiding and holding accountable operating entities of the UNFCCC financial mechanism, Oxford, OIES/Climate Strategies, 2010.
- [52] Müller, B., No Trust Without Respect: Adaptation Quick Start Funding at the Cross Roads, Oxford, OIES, 2010.
- [51] Gomez-Echeverri, L., and B. Müller, Key Issues on Governance of Climate Change Finance: based on the proceedings, La Redoute, Bad Godesberg, 9 August 2009, Oxford, ecbi, 2009
- [50] Müller, B. UK Answers to the Moderator's Questions: ecbi meeting at La Redoute in Bonn/Bad Godesberg, 8 August 2009, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [49] Müller, B., IAPAL - Thirteen Questions and Answers, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [48] Müller, B., 2009 Bonn Seminar: On Future Financial Architecture & Governance, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [47] Müller, B., N. Höhne, and C. Ellermann, Differentiating (Historic) Responsibilities for Climate Change: Summary Report, Oxford, ecbi, 2007. Re-published in Climate Policy, vol. 9, no. 6, 2009, p. 593-611.
- [46] Müller, B. and L. Gomez-Echeverri, The Reformed Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC Part I: Architecture and Governance, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [45] Müller, B. and L. Gomez-Echeverri, The Reformed Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC: Architecture and Governance, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [44] Gomez-Echeverri, L. and B. Müller, The Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC: A Brief History, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [43] Müller, B. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Reformed Financial Mechanism (RFM) of the UNFCCC: with a Reply by Monique Barbut, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [42] Müller, B., On the Need to Certify: Oversight of compliance with financial commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Oxford, IES, 2009.
- [41] Müller, B., Additionality in the Clean Development Mechanism: Why and What?, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [40] Müller, B., The Time is Right! Devolution of funding decisions to be designated national/regional climate change funding entities, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [39] Müller, B., Procrustes' Bed & Ockham's Razor: The debate on existing institutions in climate finance, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [38] Müller, B., 'Under the Authority of the COP'?, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [37] Müller, B., Is There Room for Compromise? The debate on institutional arrangements for climate finance, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [36] Klein, R. J. T., and B. Müller, Adaptation Financing Instruments: Brief for 'Financing for Development' Conference on Climate Change, Kigali, Oxford, ecbi, 2009.
- [35] Müller, B., Are Treasuries killing the climate deal?, Oxford, OIES, 2009.
- [34] Müller, B., To Earmark or Not to Earmark? A far-reaching debate on the use of auction revenue from (EU) Emissions Trading, Oxford, OIES, 2008.
- [33] Müller, B., International Adaptation Finance: The Need for an Innovative and Strategic Approach, Oxford, OIES, 2008.
- [32] Müller, B., Bali 2007 - On the road again! Impressions from the Thirteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Oxford, OIES, 2008.
- [31] Chambwera, M., with B. Müller, Fairer Flying: An international air travel levy for adaptation, International Institute for Environment and Development, November 2008.
- [30] Müller, B., and P. Ghosh, Implementing the Bali Action Plan: What role for the CDM?, Oxford, OIES/Climate Strategies, 2008.
- [29] Müller, B., St Petersburg 2008 - Developing Country Emissions: Common and Joint Responsibilities, Oxford, OIES, 2008.
- [28] Müller, B., Comments for the OECD Round Table on Sustainable Development: on "Mobilising Investments in Low Carbon Energy Technologies", Oxford, OIES, 2008.
- [27] Müller, B., and H. Winkler, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? The Governance of the World Bank Climate Investment Funds, Oxford, OIES, 2008.
- [26] Müller, B., Nairobi 2006: Trust and the Future of Adaptation Funding, Oxford, OIES, 2007.
- [25] Okereke, C., Mann, P., Osbahr, H., Müller, B. and Ebeling, J., Assessment of key negotiating issues at Nairobi climate COP/MOP: and what it means for the future of the climate regime, Manchester, Tydall Centre, 2007.
- [24] Müller, B., Food Miles or Poverty Eradication? The moral duty to eat African strawberries at Christmas, Oxford, OIES, 2007.
- [23] Müller, B., Bonn 2007: Russian Proposals, Policy CDM and 'CER Put Options' (CERPOs), Oxford, OIES, 2007.
- [22] Müller, B., The Nairobi Climate Change Conference: A breakthrough for adaptation funding, Oxford, OIES, 2007
- [21] Müller, B., and Hepburn, C., IATAL - an outline proposal for an International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy, Oxford, OIES, 2006.
- [20] Müller, B., Montreal 2005: What Happened and What It Means?, Oxford, OIES, 2006.
- [19] Müller, B., Adaptation Funding and the World Bank Investment Framework Initiative, Oxford, ecbi, 2006.
- [18] Müller, B., Climate of Distrust: The 2006 Bonn Climate Change Adaptation Fund Negotiations, Oxford, ecbi, 2006.
- [17] Müller, B., Response to CDM Executive Board: call for input on regional distribution of CDM project activities, Oxford, OCP, 2006.
- [16] Müller-Fürstenberger, G., M. Wagner, and B. Müller, Exploring the Carbon Kuznets Hypothesis, Oxford, OIES, 2004.
- [15] Müller, B., Myth and Reality: Dr Illarionov's Projections, Oxford, OCP, 2004.
- [14] Müller, B., Not Even Wrong: The Problem with Dr Illianov's Projections, Oxford, OIES, 2004.
- [13] Müller, B., The Kyoto Protocol: Russian Opportunities, Oxford, OIES/Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2004.
- [12] Müller, B., with J. Drexhage, M. Grubb, A. Michaelowa, and A. Sharma, Framing Future Commitments: a pilot study on the evolution of the UNFCCC Greenhouse Gas Mitigation regime, Oxford, OIES, 2003.
- [11] Müller, B., Equity in Climate Change: The Great Divide - Executive Summary, Oxford, OIES, 2002.
- [10] Müller, B., An FCCC Impact Response Instrument as Part of a Balanced Global Climate Change Regime, Oxford, OIES, 2002.
- [9] Müller, B., A. Michaelowa, and C. Vrolijk, with M. Grubb, and R. Fouquet, Rejecting Kyoto: A Study of Proposed Alternatives to the Kyoto Protocol, London Climate Strategies, 2001.
- [8] Müller, B., The Resurrection of a Protocol: The Bonn Agreement and its impact on the 'Climate Catch 22', Oxford, OIES, 2001.
- [7] Müller, B., Fatally Flawed Inequity: Kyoto's Unfair Burden on th United States & The Chinese Challenge to American Emission Dominance, Oxford, OIES, 2001.
- [6] Müller, B., Fair Compromise in a Morally Complex World, Oxford, OIES, 2001.
- [5] Müller, B., and U. Bartsch, The Modelling of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions: Methodology and Estimates, Oxford, OIES, 2000
- [4] Müller, B., The Hague Climate Conference: Impressions of the North American Press Coverage, Oxford, OIES, 2000.
- [3] Müller, B., Congressional Climate Change Hearings: Comedy or Tragedy?, Oxford, OIES, 2000.
- [2] Müller, B., Justice in Global Warming Negotiations: How to Obtain a Procedurally Fair Compromise, Oxford, OIES, 1999.
- [1] Müller, B., Is More Information Always Better? The Effect of Information on the Validity of Contingent Valuations, Oxford, OIES, 1997.